Welcome to the AAUW Northeast Tarrant County Branch!


Gender Equity & Economic Security



NOTE: See articles for place of meeting   


Jun 8 Programs Committee 2:00 pm
Jun 12 Book Clubbies 9:30 am
Jun 12 Confetti 6:30 pm
Jun 13 Bridge 2:00 pm
Jun 13 Birthday

Happy Hour

5:00-8:00 pm
Jun 20 Lit Group 2:00 pm
Jun 27 Bridge 2:00 pm


Jul 10 Book Clubbies 10:30 am
Jul 11 Bridge 2:00 pm
Jul 16 Confetti 6:30 pm
Jul 18 Lit Group 2:00 pm
Jul 25 Bridge 2:00 pm


Aug 14 Book Clubbies 9:30 am
Aug 15 Lit Group 2:00 pm


Sep 19 North Texas Giving Day
Sep 19 Lit Group 2:00 pm

National Conference for College Women Student Leaders


AAUW.ORG NCCWSL Scholarships




Two-Minute Activist


It Only Takes Two Minutes!

AAUW provides all the tools you need to call or send messages to your members of Congress, contact your state legislators about pressing issues, and more.



Start your free, online salary negotiation workshop

by clicking on the logo below.

Work Smart & Start Smart: Salary Negotiation

If you have a personal PayPal account, donations can be made using the PayPal Giving Fund. Donations via the PayPal Giving Fund will go to our Projects Fund to support our fundraising goals. Please click on the AAUW Funds link in the right-hand column to learn more about our branch’s scholarship opportunities for women and girls. Note: Donating via the PayPal Giving Fund will require you to have a personal PayPal account. You will need to enter your personal PayPal ID and password into the PayPal page which comes up after setting an amount and selecting ‘Donate’ on the Giving Fund page.

Important notice to NETC Branch members:  Payments for operating expenses like membership dues, other member’s project expenses like pansies, or for any other ‘specific’ reasons cannot be submitted using this ‘Donate Now’ button (above).



Application Information for the AAUW-Northeast Tarrant County Branch Georgeann Gallian Scholarship

Click on the link above for an application to apply.


Dental Hygiene Scholarship

 Mary Cinatl, Committee Chair

This year’s scholarship recipients, Stephanie, and Rosalinda, are settling into their first semester in the Dental Hygiene Program while last year’s scholarship recipients, Rebecca and Miriam, are beginning their second year of the program. We wish all four young women a great year of academic and personal learning.


Stephanie Centeno


Rosalinda Morales

Martha Ragsdale Art Scholarship

Special mention goes to Sue Traver and Ellen Jones

Awardee: Emely Guerrero


Congratulations to the NEW OFFICERS!

Presidents:    Jerrilyn Woodard-Entrekin and Sue Traver

Program VPs:   Ellen Jones and Kim Geer


Membership VPs:  Lynn Thomas and Alma Barry


Funds VPs:  Anna Saunders and Linda Quinn

Secretary:   Nicole Eberle

Finance VPs:   Judie Hankins and Teri Wardrup

A special note of appreciation for the unseen hours spent by officers, chairpersons and members who have made our Northeast Tarrant County Branch such an AMAZING organization involved in making the world a better place. Thank you!  Carol and Margaret




Pat Cheong and Cathy Patrick,

2022-24 Funds VPs 

As your outgoing Funds VPs, Cathy and I had the pleasure of selecting and recognizing at our May installation and awards meeting 8 members who have provided outstanding service to the branch over the past two years. For each $500 the branch sends to AAUW Greatest Needs Fund we recognize a member whose up-front or behind-the-scenes service has made a difference to branch success. In May, the following Named Gift Honorees were recognized with a special NGH pin:  

Chasity Crawley 

Jean Dodds

Mimi Nimocks

Martha Ragsdale

Anna Saunders

Diane Siegel

Tamara Jewell

Jacqueline Young 

These names will go in the upcoming Yearbook. Thanks to each of you for going above and beyond to make our branch the vibrant, involved organization it is! 




Jean Dodds

We celebrated Paula Jernigan 2022 

and Jerrilyn Woodard-Entrekin 2023,

 our 2022 and 2023 Shining Stars

on April 27 at the Colleyville Center! 

Completed NETC -Five Star National Recognition Program – 4-29-2020


To accomplish the AAUW vision and mission, the NETC branch establishes the following Strategic Plan for 2021-2022:

• Provide branch programs, fundraising projects, and events that support the AAUW mission of advancing gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.

Provide training, encouragement, and communication to ensure branch members are equipped to participate in a safe meeting environment at a successful level.

• Demonstrate an active membership of at least 100 members by June 2022.

• Explore and actively cultivate relationships with other women’s organizations in our community for the purpose of mutually supporting one another’s efforts to promote awareness and action where our missions align.

• Provide up to two (2) college students a $1,000 scholarship to the 2022 AAUW National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL).

• Provide up to two (2) KEYS High School graduates a $1,000 scholarship through the Georgeann Gallian KEYS Scholarship program in 2022. NETC Branch members will continue to actively support all students and faculty at KEYS High School.

• Provide up to two (2) students enrolled in the 2021-2022 Dental Hygiene Program at Tarrant County College Northeast Campus a $1,000 scholarship. Also provide $500 each for up to two (2) students to cover the partial cost of the required dental kits.

• Review of the appropriate use of $2,000 scholarship funds appropriated in the 2021-2022 budget by the chairs of the three scholarship committees who will then make a recommendation to the Board of Directors for their review and approval.

• Explore ways to work with HEB ISD to determine what the needs of ‘tween and teen girls are following the trauma of Covid-19 and how best our branch can serve them on their path to successful high school and post-secondary educational attainment. This will include a re-examination of our existing Full STEAM Ahead program to see if it is still the best model for this work, given the current circumstances.

• Support of the AAUW Greatest Needs Fund at the $3000 level.

• Increase Legacy Circle Membership by 10% by June 2022.

• Serve as co-hosts with North Texas Branches at the Texas Conference to be held at the Hurst Conference Center, Hurst, Texas, April 29-30, 2022. NETC will provide co- chairs and volunteers for the Local Arrangements Committee (LAC).
Explore ways our branch can continue to participate in the AAUW Five-Star National Recognition Program.

Branch Legacy Circle Members

Front Row:  Rosemary Jobe, Polly Post, Mimi Nimocks,  Jackie Littleton, Gloria Long, Cheri Butler Martha Ragsdale, Jean Dodds, Paula Jernigan

Back Row:  Margaret Martin, Dixie Christian, Ilze Kalnajs, Mary Ann Goetz, Diane Siegel, Ginny Phoenix, Pat Cheong, Pat Lucas



Branch members and community leaders honored the legacy of Georgia Kidwell, branch founder and long-time community advocate, at a requiem mass at St. Vincent’s Cathedral in Bedford.



Membership VPs:  Lynn Thomas and Alma Barry

Come join us!!!

AAUW Northeast Tarrant County Branch

AAUW Texas http://aauw-tx.aauw.net

AAUW Interbranch http://northtexas-ibc.aauw.net/

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